Friday, April 10, 2020

Compare and Contrast Essay Examples

Compare and Contrast Essay ExamplesAt some point in your undergraduate or graduate education, you'll be faced with a choice between composing a research paper comparing two or more scholarly articles, or writing an essay that compares and contrasts the specific and more important details of two or more scholarly articles. Both choices require detailed knowledge of both research articles and their associated facts. But they also require different approaches to research.When you decide to compare and contrast, be sure to visit the resources available at your university's faculty of arts. Do your homework and study up on the respective research methods and theories. You may also want to get your hands on a copy of Thesis Critique by R. D. Niebuhr. This text will provide an introduction to the differences between writing research papers that compare and contrast and writing research papers that compare the particular details of two articles.Although Niebuhr's text is written for professo rs who are primarily interested in modern research methodologies, it is nonetheless useful as a primer for writing research papers that compare and contrast the different aspects of two different articles. On the one hand, it gives you a general overview of how to use the available methods in your own research. On the other hand, it provides you with strategies for breaking down the study in different steps so that you don't go through too much of each article before you get to the important results of each part.You can begin looking for essay examples online. The two most popular sites are Harvard University's Harvard Extension School (HES) and the University of Virginia's Occidental College. However, these examples are rarely complete, since HES gives you a large selection of examples that are either too short or too long to really make a comparative study.Your best bet is to look for sites that provide at least a few examples and explanations for every approach, and which come in a variety of levels of detail and length. This will ensure that you have at least some evidence for your essay, but will allow you to determine whether a comparison and contrast are appropriate based on your level of understanding of the material, or the relevance of the examples.If you are using an Internet based comparison and contrast tool, it's critical that you set a course on your grade point average for your first writing assignment, and that you stay focused on this throughout your first year of college. High grades will earn you a higher grade point average and increase your chances of landing a prestigious grant and internship.Comparing and contrasting are two different approaches to writing a dissertation, and a single assignment will not fulfill the requirements to take both approaches. But as you progress through your study, you'll come to understand that comparison and contrast are two distinct approaches to writing that have very different strengths and weaknesses.

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